When you read the articles in this blog, you read my thoughts filtered through the one thing that makes sense to me, God’s word. When you ask me who I am, my answer is simple, “I am a Christian woman.”
When you ask me what I do, it gets complicated. I do so many things. Like most women, I wear numerous hats on any given day. But the one thing I do, the one thing that I fall back on in all my doing, in all my hat wearing, I strive to please Him. I strive to please my God and my Creator.
Tonight, as my husband and I were watching The Chosen, a line spoken by one of the characters just seemed to speak to me.
I have one thing to do today. Follow Him. The rest will take care of itself.
I think that one statement sums up the life of a Christian. We are called to follow Him. We are asked to trust in Him. We are told to be a light and represent Him.
Matthew 6:33
Seek first the Kingdom of God and all these things will be added to you.
The Bible is full of promises, but this promise reaches down into the very basics of who we are as individuals.
What do we put first? Do we seek the Kingdom? Do we trust that He will provide our needs if we put Him first?
I have lived through various phases of life, as many of you have. I can’t say that I have always sought the Kingdom above everything else. There were times in my life when I was distracted. I think we have all been there at one point or another.
When we find our way back from those distractions we need to refocus and ask ourselves what it means to seek first the Kingdom. What does it mean to follow Him first, to seek Him and let everything else fall into place?
I don’t think that is a question I can answer. It is for God to answer. He is the only one who knows your heart, your mindset, who you are, and the various ways He can use you.
If we are to truly seek the Kingdom of God we need to reach a point where we are ready and willing to put our life at His feet and allow Him to do with it as He sees fit. His relationship with each of us is an individual relationship. He will work with us in a way that only He can.
Do you know the difference between submitting to God and surrendering to Him?
There are times when our children will do what we have asked, but they do so while complaining. Or, maybe they will do it but they don’t really want to, so they don’t do a great job. They might even agree it needs to be done and they should be the ones who do it, but there is a lack of enthusiasm or desire to follow through. However, they do, they submit to our will.
There are times when our children will do what we have asked with a desire to please us. They will do it with all their might. It might not be perfect but they have done what they thought we wanted and they did so without complaining, without questioning, without dreading it. They put everything they have into it, for one reason, because we asked them to do it. That goes above and beyond submission, that is surrender. That is giving up what they may want in order to give us what we want.
Our relationship with God and seeking His kingdom first is similar. Whatever it is that God asks of us, whatever He needs from us, whatever He might have planned for us, that is His will. When we are able to surrender and follow God's will, our relationship with Him deepens.
It won’t always be easy. At times it might even be a bit scary. But, if we surrender our will to His, He will give us what we need to fulfill His plan for us.
There is a purpose for each of us. He is willing and ready to share that plan with you, if you are willing and ready to accept it.
I have one thing to do today. Follow Him. The rest will take care of itself.
Seek His Kingdom… seek His will… surrender to Him.
Cherish the Journey!