I have been considering what it means to make a difference. I think we all enter adulthood with this desire to make a difference in the world. We each want our life to mean something. We want to have an impact on the world around us. But, as life tends to do, it can get in the way of our BIG plans. We can wake up one day and ask ourselves what we did with our life and what kind of difference we made.
Some people will do big things in life. They will discover new and wonderful things that will be used for generations. They will write epic books taught in literary circles for hundreds of years. They will establish foundations that save lives. They will live the life and travel the path laid before them.
Small Acts, Big Impact
Others, like you and me, will also do big things with our lives. The difference is, the big things we do may not seem big to some, but will be life changing to others. We will make meals for the sick and deliver them. We will visit the lonely widows. We will help a friend who has cancer. We will encourage our husband and lift him up when he loses his job. We will buy a $5 meal for the man who hasn't eaten all day. We will be there for a grieving friend. And we will do all these things not to be known for making a difference, but because this is how we love others. And, it is in our love that we change the world around us. If you don't believe me take a look at the story of Dorcas. She is a woman we know from a Biblical account, only because she acted in love.
The story of Dorcas, also known as Tabitha, in the Book of Acts is an example of how small acts of kindness can leave a lasting impact.
Dorcas lived in Joppa and was known for her good works and charitable deeds, particularly making garments for the widows in her community (Acts 9:36-39).
When Dorcas died, the impact of her kindness and love towards those she helped, was felt so deeply the widows were brokenhearted. They showed the tunics and garments she made as a testament to her generosity (Acts 9:39). They mourned not just the loss of a friend but the loss of someone who made a difference in their individual lives and within the community.
The story further unfolds with the apostle Peter being called to her bedside. Moved by the outpouring of love and the stories of her kindness, Peter prayed, and Dorcas was miraculously brought back to life (Acts 9:40-41). This miracle shows the effects of Dorcas’s kindness reached even beyond her lifetime, down to us today.
Considering the Biblical account of Dorcas and those she helped, it’s clear that acts of kindness are never just about the acts themselves but about the love and care that motivate them. Dorcas didn’t set out to be remembered; she simply lived a life of service. Yet, her story continues to inspire countless people to consider how they, too, can make a difference through simple, everyday acts of kindness.
In a way, Dorcas’s story is a call to action for all of us. It challenges us to look beyond our own needs and to see the opportunities to serve and uplift those around us. It’s a reminder that you don’t need to do big things to make a big impact; often, it’s the small things done with great love that truly change the world.
Cherish the Journey!