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Nonfiction for Women

Sherrie Giddens is a dedicated author for women and their families. Offering titles in various genres, she brings her life experiences to the written word in a way that celebrates an individual's many facets. We are all people of various interests and experiences. As an author, she reaches into the heart of readers, offering them a reason to keep turning the pages of her fiction and nonfiction titles.


To contact Giddens for a book signing, speaking engagement, or special event, send an email to

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Book Cover mountains with blue sky, My Walk with Job

Miraculous events are expected to be grand and done with a flourish, like the parting of the Red Sea. However, that isn’t always the case. In this short read you will find that when God meets us where we are, His miracles might just be designed solely for who we are at that very moment. We have all heard of parents losing a child and hoped it would never be us, because we know we could never survive it. The author of this title shares the events of a few days in August, when God met her where she was. God saw her weakness. He knew she could never do it and would not survive it. And, in His great mercy, in a miracle designed only for her, he walked her through the pain of losing a child, took her weakness and made it strength. In His great mercy He reminded her she could do all things through Christ who strengthens her.


My Walk With Job: When My Weakness Because Strength is Available at Amazon

book cover for Let's Talk about Eve, pink flowers

Let's talk about Eve as a woman, a wife, and a mother. In doing so, we may find we have a lot more in common with her than we might have thought. Eve is the first woman who ever walked the Earth. She was the first wife and mother. While she was unique in many ways, we find she also lived a life with many of the same issues, hardships, and trials we may experience in our own lives. Let's take a walk through the garden and get to know Eve as a person, not just a character in a Bible story.

Are you involved in a women's Bible study or discussion group? This title offers many questions to consider and discuss with others. Written in a comfortable, easy to read, conversational style, Let's Talk About Eve offers women a great way to dig in and get to know the woman known as the mother of all.


Let's Talk About Eve: Woman, Wife, and Mother is available at Amazon.

book cover for Bible study, Change Your Life, sunflower on blue background

The word of God is like the layers of an onion, peeling back a layer will reveal an even deeper understanding. In this title you will find eight Bible studies that are designed to offer a deeper understanding of His word on a personal level, and how it can apply to your life today. Each study begins with a story or illustration that focuses on a particular Biblical topic. It is then followed by scriptures or passages along with an area for note taking.


This Bible study is available at Amazon.

book cover for Seriously, picture of orangutan on blue background

Sherrie Giddens introduces you to her most laugh-out-loud moments as she and her family travel the US. Readers will feel as if they are walking alongside her, as she describes life as a card-carrying member of the klutz club. Her honest look at being a wife and mother, while creating family oriented memories, is a hilarious mixture of unforeseen circumstances and misunderstandings, which seem to be her constant companion as she stumbles her way from one location to the next. Join her, as she runs for her life, is mistaken for a corpse, and feeds a few alligators. Add a little laughter to your day!


Seriously is available at Amazon.

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